
Summer is a time to have fun and spend time outdoors. Now that the sun is shining, you are probably looking forward to some rest and relaxation as you plan your summer vacation. It’s a time when you can go out for a walk roll down the windows and take in everything…

Get the Most Out of Summer Minus the Injuries

Tennis elbow is one of the most common injuries but it doesn’t just happen to tennis players.  It is a condition in which tendon damage causes soreness or pain around the outside of the elbow or the lateral epicondyle.  The term tennis elbow is often used to describe any injury…

The Truth Behind Tennis Elbow

The ankle is the most common site of sprains in the human body. An ankle sprain can happen to anybody at a time when you least expect it. Commonly, it occurs after a sudden unnatural twisting of the foot which can tear the ankle’s ligaments. An ankle injury affects every…

Balance & Strengthening for Ankle Sprains

Injuries tend to occur in sporting activities. Professional athletes, in particular, are prone to injuries due to the excessive wear and tear associated with the demands of competitive sports. The right exercise program to maintain strength, flexibility, and stability can help athletes recover quickly after an injury, empowering them to…

Physical Therapy in Sports Injuries

The ankle is the most common site of sprains in the human body. An ankle sprain can occur when you least expect it. It is most likely to occur after a sudden, unnatural twisting of the foot which results in a ligament tear. An injury like this affects every aspect…

Physical Therapy for Ankle Sprain

When there is a direct impact to the knee (as commonly seen in sports injuries), the knee joint can twist or stretch beyond its normal capacity causing ligament tears (or sprains), muscle tears (or strains), or cartilage injuries. Inflammation of protective cushioning in the knee joint (meniscus), or fluid-filled sacs…

The Role of Physical Therapy in Knee Injuries

It’s important to be physically active and avoid injuries at the same time. This is especially important for a ‘weekend warrior’. If you are sedentary, it’s extremely important to plan ahead in order to avoid exercise-related injuries. After all, the human body cannot go from ‘inactive’ mode to ‘weekend warrior’…

How to Enjoy the Weekend & Survive Without the Injuries

The shoulder is one of the most flexible joints in the human body. We can move our shoulders in directions like no other joint. Owing to its flexibility, we can do things like paint a ceiling or pitch a baseball. This flexibility comes at the price of stability. Since the…

Don’t Let Shoulder Pain Stop You!

The ligaments surrounding the ankle are surprisingly fragile. A seemingly harmless motion has the potential to cause serious sprains. Ankle ligaments are elastic structures that hold the ankle joint together to prevent (or minimize) excessive twisting and turning that can lead to injury. These ligaments are able to stretch slightly…

Ankle Sprains: What You Need to Know

Walking, jogging, and running are excellent activities to promote health and wellness. Are you an avid jogger or runner? If so, could the way you run be hurting you? When you run, jog or walk, each step sends shock waves up the feet, knees, hips, and lower back. Overuse injuries…

Running Injuries & How to Avoid Them

Studies using high-speed cameras and sophisticated crash dummies have revealed that rear-impact car accidents result in a condition called “whiplash”. This forces the bones of the lower cervical spine (the neck) into hyperextension (backward bending motion) while the bones of the upper neck are suddenly thrust into hyperflexion (forward bending…

Physical Therapy After A Car Accident

A physical therapist plays an important role in the recovery process following most injuries. Women in particular experience a higher risk of bone-related injuries after menopause. Here are some of the most commonly-held myths about post-injury exercise regimes. Myth #1: After an injury, “Bed rest is the best”.Fact: A short…

Exercising After an Injury